Values of Coins of England and Great Britain

('Coins of the UK')

by Tony Clayton

Decimal Fifty Pence

Decimal 20p Coins << : >> One Pound Coins

History of Decimal 50p Coins

Pictures of Decimal 50p Coins


Circulation Issues : Presentation Folders : Cupronickel Proofs : Silver Proofs : Silver Piedfort Proofs : Other Proofs

It is stressed that the following prices are a guide only, and in UK pounds. I can take no personal responsibility for their accuracy, although every effort has been made to ensure that they have been copied or estimated correctly.

The information has generally been taken from the UK monthly magazine Coin News, and is reproduced by the kind permission of
Token Publishing Ltd, 40 Southernhay East, Exeter, EX1 1PE

Coins of lower condition than BU have not been listed.

The complexity of commemorative issues after 2015 is such that the following lists are no longer updated. There are many other sites that give values for modern decimal coins. My apologies.

Circulation Issues

Type 1: NEW PENCE reverse, 30mm dia.
Year    BU
1969    2
1970    5
1976    2
1977    2
1978    2
1979    2
1980    2
1981    2
Type 2: Clasped Hands reverse
Year    BU
1973e   3
Type 3: FIFTY PENCE reverse, 30mm dia.
Year    BU
1982    3
1983    2
Type 4: Second Portrait, 30mm dia.
Year    BU
1985    2
Type 5: 1992/1993 EEC reverse
Year    BU
1992e   25
Type 6: D-Day reverse
Year    BU
1994    3
Type 7: Second Portrait, 27mm dia.
Year    BU
1997s   2
Type 8: Third Portrait
Year    BU
1998    2
1999    2
2000    2
2001    2
2002    2
2003    2
2004    2
2005    2
2006    2
2007    2
2008    2
Type 9: EU Reverse
Year    BU
1998e   3
Type 10: NHS Reverse
Year    BU
1998n   3
Type 11: Library Reverse
Year    BU
2000L   2
Type 12: Suffragette Reverse
Year    BU
2003S   6
Type 13: Roger Bannister Reverse
Year    BU
2004B   3
Type 14: Samuel Johnson Reverse
Year    BU
2005j   3
Type 15: Brave Acts Reverse
Year    BU
2006h   3
Type 16: VC Reverse
Year    BU
2006v   3
Type 17: Scouts Reverse
Year    BU
2007S   3
Type 18: New Shield Reverse
Year    BU
2008d   5
2012    2
2013    2
2014    2
2015    2
Type 19: Kew Reverse
Year    BU
2009k 150
Type 20: Guides Reverse
Year    BU
2010G   3
Type 21: WWF Reverse
Year    BU
2011w   4
Type 22-51: Olympics Reverses (Most Between 3 and 10)
Year    BU
2011o   3
2011aql 1100
aql: Aquatics with lines
Type 52: Ironside Reverse
Year    BU
2013i   8
Type 53: Benjamin Britten Reverse
Year    BU
2013b   8
Type 54: Commonwealth Games Reverse
Year    BU
2014c   8
Battle of Britain Reverse
Year    BU
2015b   3
New Portrait Dent Reverse
Year    BU
2015n   2
2016    2
2017    5
2018    none issued for circulation
2019    2
2020    2
2021    no information
2022    no information
Hastings Reverse
Year    BU
2016h   3
Beatrix Potter Reverse
Year    BU
2016bp  4
Peter Rabbit Reverse
Year    BU
2016pr  4
Jemima Puddleduck Reverse
Year    BU
2016jp  16
Mrs Tiggy-Winkle Reverse
Year    BU
2016tw  4
Squirrel Nutkin Reverse
Year    BU
2016sn  4
Team GB Reverse
Year    BU
2016gb  3
Isaac Newton Reverse
Year    BU
2017n   5
2nd Peter Rabbit Reverse
Year    BU
2017pr  4
Jeremy Fisher Reverse
Year    BU
2017jf  4
Tom Kitten Reverse
Year    BU
2017tk  4
Benjamin Bunny Reverse
Year    BU
2017bb  4

All Beatrix Potter Characters for 2017 and 2018, and Paddington Bear versions for 2018 are valued at £5 in BU

Missing years were not struck for general circulation, but may be available as proofs or in other sets or folders.
l: large (Britannia)
s: small (Britannia)
e: EEC Anniversary
n: National Health Service
L: Library
S: Suffragettes
B: Bannister
j: Samuel Johnson
h: Brave Acts
v: Victoria Cross
S: 2007 Scouts
d: 2008 new Dent design
k: Kew
G: Guides
Up to 2008, others of the same year have the Britannia reverse

Uncirculated from Presentation Folders or Sets

1982f   6
1983f   6
1984f   7
1985f   7
1986f   7
1987f   7
1988f   7
1989f   7
1990f   7
1991f   7
1992f   10
1992ef  50
1993f   10
1994f   8
1995f   9
1996f   9
1997lf  8
1997sf  5
1998f   5
1998ef  5
1998nf  5
1999f   5
2000f   5
2000Lf  6
2001f   5
2002f   5
2003f   5
2003Sf  9
2004f   5
2004Bf  8
2005f   6
2005jf  8
2006hf  6
2006vf  6
2007f   8
2007Sf  8
2008f   8
2008nf  8
2009f   30
2009kf  175
2009oaf 125
2010f   25
2010Gf  7
2011f   30
2011wf  10
2011of  4
2012f   8
2013f   10
2013if  15
2013bf  25
2014f   10
2014cf  10
2015f   8
2015bf  5
2015nf  5
2016f   4
2016hf  5
2016bpf 5
2016prf 15
2016jpf 20
2016twf 10
2016snf 10
2016gbf 10
2017f   5
2017nf  10
2017prf 12
2017jff 8
2017tkf 8
2017bbf 8
2018f   10
2018nf  75
2018prf 5
2018fbf 5
2018tgf 6
2018mtf 6
2018ppf 10
2018pbf 10
2018sf  10
2019f   5
2019shf 10
2019hf  10
2019gf  10
2019prf 10
2019ptf 10
2019ppf 10
201950f 10
2019g2f 12
2019s2f 10
2019w2f 18
2020f   5
2020bf  10
l: large (Britannia)
s: small (Britannia)
e: EEC Anniversary Issue
n: 1998 National Health Service
L: Library Issue
S: 2003 Suffragette Issue
B: Bannister Issue
j: Samuel Johnson issue
h: Brave Acts issue
v: VC issue
S: 2007 Scouts
d: 2008 new design by Dent
k: Kew issue
oa: Olympics Athletics
G: Guiding
w: WWF
o: Olympic issues (all same price)

Cupronickel Proof Issues

Year    BU
1971p   10
1972p   12
1973p   8
1974p   15
1975p   15
1976p   7
1977p   6
1978p   6
1979p   6
1980p   6
1981p   8
1982p   8
1983p   8
1984p   10
1985p   8
1986p   12
1987p   12
1988p   12
1989p   12
1990p   12
1991p   12
1992p   12
1992ep  55
1993p   12
1994p   10
1995p   12
1996p   12
1997lp  10
1997sp  6
1998p   8
1998ep  8
1999p   10
2000p   7
2000Lp  9
2001p   7
2002p   7
2003p   6
2003Sp  15
2004p   8
2004Bp  10
2005p   8
2005jp  10
2006p   8
2006hp  8
2006vp  8
2007p   8
2007Sp  12
2008p   10
2008dp  10
2009p   30
2009kp  200
2009sp  500
2010p   30
2010Gp  12
2011p   40
2011wp  25
2012p   10
2013p   15
2013ip  20
2014p   15
2014cp  15
2015p   10
2015bp  15
2015np  12
2016p   12
2016hp  10
2016bpp 10
2017p   12
2017np  15
2018p   12
2019p   12
2020p   12
p: proof
l: large
s: small
e: EEC Anniversary Issue
n: National Health Service
L: Library Issue
S: 2003 Suffragette Issue
B: Bannister Issue
J: Samuel Johnson issue
V1: VC issue
V2: Brave Acts issue
S: 2007 Scouts
d: 2008 new design by Dent
k: Kew issue

2009s: set of 16 different reverses

Silver Uncirculated Issue

These issued for the 2011 olympic issues can be distinguished from the cupronickel version by the colour - silver is a much whiter metal than cupronickel. All 29 designs have similar value.

Year    BU
2011os  25 to 35 each

Silver Proof Issues

These can be distinguished from the cupronickel version by the colour - silver is a much whiter metal than cupronickel, and were issued in special folders or cases.

Year            BU
1992esp         70
1994sp          30
1996sp          25
1997lsp         25
1997ssp         20
1998esp         30
1998nsp         30
2000Lsp         30
2003Ssp         35
2004Bsp         35
2005jsp         35
2006sp          25
2006hsp         30
2006vsp         30
2007Ssp         35
2008sp          25
2008dsp         25
2009sp          35
2009ksp         250
2009ssp         800
2010sp          35
2010Gsp         30
2011sp          50
2011wsp         45
2012sp          50
2013sp          55
2013isp         45
2013bsp         200
2014sp          55
2014csp         45
2015sp          30
2015bsp         30
2015nsp         30
2016sp          35
2016hsp         35
2016bpsp        35
2016prsp        50
2016jpsp        75
2016twsp        50
2016snsp        50
2016gbsp        25
2017sp          30
2017nsp         50
2017prsp        55
2017jfsp        50
2017tksp        50
2017bbsp        50
2018sp          30
2018prsp        55
2018fbsp        55
2018tgsp        55
2018mtsp        55
2018ppsp        60
2018pbsp        60
2018ssp         60
2019sp          30
2019shsp        55
2019hsp         55
2019gsp         65
2019prsp        65
2019ptsp        65
2019ppsp        65
201950sp        55
2019g2sp        65
2019s2sp        65
2019w2sp        65
2020sp          30
2020bsp         60

Silver Piedfort Proof Issues

These are approximately twice as thick as the normal coin.

Year            BU
1973sP          3250
1992esP         90
1994sP          50
1997ssP         35
1998esP         40
1998nsP         40
2000LsP         40
2003SsP         45
2004BsP         45
2005jsP         45
2006hsP         50
2006vsP         50
2007SsP         65
2008sP          45
2008dsP         45
2009ksP         350
2010GsP         35
2011wsP         80
2013isP         100
2013bsP         250
2014csP         100
2015bsP         80
2016hsP         155
2016bpsP        250
2016gbsP        150
2017nsP         95
2019shspp       95
2019hspp        95
201950spp       95

Gold Proof Issues

Year    BU
1992egp 1500
1994gp  1500
1998egp 850
1998ngp 850
2000Lgp 850
2002gp  850
2003Sgp 850
2004Bgp 850
2005jgp 850
2006hgp 850
2006vgp 850
2007Sgp 850
2008gp  850
2008ngp 850
2009kgp 3500
2009sgp 15000
2010Ggp 850
2011wgp 850
2012gp  850
2013gp  850
2013igp 850
2013bgp 850
2014cgp 850
2015gp  850
2015bgp 850
2015ngp 350
2016hgp 450
2016bpgp 550
2016gbgp 450
2017ngp  775
20179rgp 1000
2018prgp 1000
2018ppgp 780
2018pbgp 780
2018sgp  775
2019shgp 795
2019hgp  795
2019ggp  795
2019prgp 795
2019ptgp 980
2019ppgp 980
201950gp 980
2019g2gp 980
2019s2gp 980
2019w2gp 980
2020bgp  945

Platinum Proof Issues

Year    BU
2008pp  1550
2008npp 1550
2015npp 850

Gold Piedfort Proof Issues

Year    BU
2009sgP 30000

50p values extracted from Coin News August 2024 (up to 2015) and August 2020. More recent values can be found in the July and August 2022 issues of the magazine.

Platinum, Gold and Silver proofs are generally issued in a presentation case with the coins in protective capsules. Cupronickel proofs are generally only available in the year sets, but of course there is nothing to stop someone removing them from the case.

Uncirculated coins from Royal Mint Year Sets are generally not only in better condition than issued coins, but are slightly better struck. It is hard to distinguish them except that there is a lack of any contact marks, and sometimes they are a bit shinier.


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Copyright reserved by the author, Tony Clayton
v6 21st August 2024